How do I initiate the booking process?

To begin booking your session, kindly complete the contact form, specifying your preferred package, desired date(s), and session requirements.

Upon receiving of your form, I will reach out via text or email to confirm dates and availability. When details are agreed upon, I will send a comprehensive contract for your review and signature. Once finalized, you may proceed to purchase your selected package through the website.

Can I reschedule a session?

Rescheduling of sessions is permissible solely under specific circumstances, such as inclement weather conditions (e.g., rain or extreme heat) or unforeseen family emergencies (e.g., bereavement, hospitalization, or emergency transportation issues).

Are there any associated travel fees?

Yes, there are travel fees applicable to sessions conducted beyond a 40-mile radius of Tulare. A standard fee of $50 is imposed for sessions situated beyond this distance.

What forms of payment are accepted?

I accept payment via all major credit cards (e.g., Visa, Mastercard) and Apple Pay.

Is a deposit required?

No. At the time of booking, the full payment amount is required.

How will I receive the contract for my session?

The contract to finalizing the booking of a session will be sent via email.

*Please reach out via email, text, or the contact form with any other questions